| Americas Army | Free online tactical shooter promoted by the U.S. Army |
| Just Pub | Short comic strips about the egoshooter Enemy Territory |
| Ultima Online | A virtual Fantasy Online World with many players interacting. But you got to buy the game and pay a monthly fee. |
| WoW Europe | Offizielle Homepage des Multiplayer-Fantasy-Online-Rollenspiels "World of Warcraft" von Blizzard Entertainment. |
| Adventure Quest | Simple Roleplaying Game with manga style graphics. Extra features only available by payment |
| Buffed | Umfangreiche World of Warcraft Resourceseite: Tools zum Download und Datenbanken zu Ausrüstung, Regionen, Zaubern u.v.m. |
| Second Life | Large 3d virtual world, where you can buy land, move around and talk with other people. |
| Chore Wars | Make your duties be fun: Recruit a party of adventurers from your household or office and claim XP for completing chores |
| World of Warcraft - Arsenal | Nach Charakteren, Gegenständen, Gilden, Dungeons, Arena-Teams, Bossmonstern und Fraktionsbelohnungen suchen |
| Anarchy Online | Free online multiplayer science fiction roleplaying game. You get the program needed for playing here for download. |
| The mana world | Client and Server software for a 2d roleplaying game for free download |
| Runescape | Professionel multiplayer roleplaying game which costs a monthly fee to participate using all features. |
| forumwarz | Lustiges online Rollenspiel! - für Nerds allerdings |
| WoW Portal | News Portal with Tipps and Downloads for the Online Fantasy Role Playing Game `World of Warcraft` |
| WoW - Worldmap | Geographic map of the "World of Warcraft" game world with some points of interest marked on the map. |
| Wow-Einsteigerwissen | Wiki mit über 1500 Artikeln zu Questen, Flugpunkten, Gegenständen und Basisinformationen zu "World of Warcraft" |
| Wow-Wiki | More than 65,000 background and help articles for the online roleplaying game "World of Warcraft" |
| Wow Figure prints | Service to print 3D miniatures which look like any existing World of Warcraft character |
| WoW Guild Logs | Allows gamers to save, share and analyze their raiding experiences in World of Warcraft |
| inWow | World of Warcraft Cummunity mit Foren und Guides. |
| Schach-Ticker | Nachrichten von Schachturnieren weltweit und Übersicht über den deutschen Schachsport. |
| ChessBase | Worldwide chess news portal and databases |
| Online-Schach | Online Schach spielen mit über 1000 möglichen Partnern. Schach-Datenbank.In der Grundversion kostenlos. |
| Chessgenius | Chess software for desktop and handheld computers |
| Schach matt! | Schachforum nach vielen Untertopics gegliedert. |