| Denic | Zentrale Verwaltung der Topleveldomain "de". Rechtliche Hinweise und Domaininhaber-Suchservice. |
| ICANN | The ICANN coordinates Internet domain names, IP address numbers and
protocol parameter and port numbers
| InterNic | Provides the public information regarding Internet domain name registration services |
| InterNIC - Who is? | Info on the owners of existing webpages:(.aero, .arpa, .biz, .com, .coop, .edu, .info, .int, .museum, .net, .org) |
| RIPE | One of the four Regional Internet Registries (RIR) in the world, providing allocation and registration. |
| DNS-Stuff | Get immediately free dns-information of IPs or internet-adresses. |
| .org-Domains | Informations on using and registrating .org-Topleveldomains |
| EuRid | European Registry of Internet Domain Names which provides the .eu-Domains |