Basis ←  Wissen  ← Biologie

   Dieses Thema hat keine weiteren Unterkategorien.

Werbung buchen bei pooqWürde ist ein Konjunktiv - Poetry Slam Texte bei Amazon
Arxiv.orgOnline archive for physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology.
Plants DatabaseThe Database of the NRCS provides online classification and information database on plants.
Pubmed (Medline)Naturwissenschaftliche Datenbank mit den Schwerpunkten Medizin und Biochemie
science directüber 1800 naturwissenschaftliche Journale online verfügbar
Biological MorphingDynamic archive of information on digital morphology and X-ray computed tomography of biological specimens
Laborjournal onlineWissenswertes aus der Welt der Biochemie mit vielen hilfreichen Labortricks
scinexxOnline-Magazin für Geo- und Naturwissenschaften.
Hai-SeiteEinführendes Wissen über Haifische
World Conservation UnionIUCN Red Lists - comprehensive, apolitical approach for evaluating the conservation status of plant and animal species
NatureScience journals, jobs and information by the Nature magazine
CellMedical journal on cell biology and genome research
TSRIThe Scripps Research Institute is a private, non-profit research organization for basic biomedical science
jbcHomepage of the Journal of biological chemistry.
BiospaceBiotech news, stories and information on jobs
Encyclopedia of LifeProject to document all species of life on Earth.
DerwentGlobal database of over 50 million full-text and front-page patent documents
EMBL HeidelbergHomepage of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory
CSHLPrivate nonprofit institution with research programs in cancer, neuroscience, plant biology, genomics and bioinformatics
AntsWebsite about ants which provides tools for exploring the diversity and identification of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Species WikiA biological life wiki
WoRMSWorld Register of Marine Species

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