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ThunderbirdDownload des kostenlosen email-Programms
SpamhausTracks Spammers, provides anti-spam protection for Internet networks and works to identify and pursue spammers worldwide
MulberryFree IMAP and other email protocols client with calendaring and scheduling for download for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.
SophosSoftware and appliance solutions to protect networks from viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware and spam
AngstklauselnSammlung von über 100 e-mail disclaimern, welche oft an E-Mails angehängt werden, wenn es um vertrauliche Inhalte geht
SenderBaseReport of spam mail traffic and virus traffic.
DNS whitelistWhitelist of known legitimate email servers to reduce the chances of false positives while spam filtering
Dsl-UserAnbietervergleich, Installationshilfen und andere Informationen für DSL-Zugänge
OLSRpro-actvive routing protocol for mobile ad hoc networks which can be used to generate a longdistance computer network
DSL-Moden HilfeFreeware Software zum auslesen und optimieren von DSL-Modems und Optimierungstutorial für einige DSL-Modemtypen
ZyxelManufacturer of routers, modems and switches with product informations and download of drivers
Smart FTPDownload of a free FTP Manager.
CyberduckOpen source FTP and SFTP (SSH Secure File Transfer) browser for Mac OS X licenced under the GPL
FilezillaFast FTP and SFTP client for Windows with a lot of features
ICQInstant messenger with 150 million registered users.
WinSCPDownload of a free free SFTP, FTP and SCP client for Windows
PuTTYDownload of a free Telnet and SSH Client software
Squid-Cachefree, open-source full-featured Web proxy cache
OpenSSHEncrypts all traffic (and passwords) to eliminate eavesdropping, connection hijacking and other network-level attacks.
Sicher im NetzBeratungsportal für Online-Sicherheit
AsteriskA complete PBX in software for Linux, BSD and MacOSX. Does VoIP in many protocols, and almost all standards.
CexxWebsite with tipps and tools against spam and spyware.
SkypeProgram to phone for free via the internet.
LogMeInConnects two or more computers via Internet into their own virtual network for direct secure communication. Free.
BugMeNotCreated as a mechanism to quickly bypass the login of web sites that require compulsory registration

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