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   Dieses Thema hat keine weiteren Unterkategorien.

Werbung buchen bei pooqWürde ist ein Konjunktiv - Poetry Slam Texte bei Amazon
TestsSammlung von Online-Selbsttests aller Art.
SETI@HomeLet your Computer participate in the Search for extraterrestical Life. Here you get download, info and statistics.
Live 365Stationfinder for Internetradio
Raute-MusikInternetradio das mehrere Programme zum live-Hören per Online-Streaming anbietet
paysafecardPrepaid card for online payments
giropayOnline-Zahlverfahren, um Einkäufe im Internet zu bezahlen.
SimpleUploadPlatform um Dateien und Projekte kostenlos hochzuladen und mit Bekannten, Freunden oder auch Geschäftskunden zu teilen
PhishTankCollaborative clearing house for data and information about phishing on the Internet. Provides open API for developers.
musicoverySmall online tool to search titles and artists by mood and genre
ZamzarOnline file converter service
flattrOnline Service to donate for Websites or even single articles in the Internet.
RefdeskPortal site which allows direct access to many common Internet Services
23 Photo SharingOnline webspace to store and share Photos
SteuerfuchsHier kann man seine Einkommensteuererklärung online erledigen. Das Senden der Daten zum Finazamt ist kostenpflichtig.
StepmapGestaltungsdienst, bei dem man individuelle Landkarten erstellen kann.
ProsperCommunity to bring together people to borrow or lend money among each other to get better loan rates.
ZopaLending and Borrowing Community to archive better loan rates by dealing inside the community.
FarkMeta newsportal collecting user submitted news from other information sites on the web.
SEO ToolsFree online Tools for analyzation of websites and their visibility in the internet
TranscriptionFor a fee you get your text, html or audio files transcripted and for a larger fee you get it within 24 hours
RecivaInternet Radio Portal which allows you to search online radio stations anywhere in the world sorted by genre or location
citeUlikeFree service for academics to share, store, automatically extract citation details and organise the academic papers.
ScriptLanceOnline auction for programming jobs where programmers can bid their conditions for doing the job for the customer
Anixe HDOnline Fernseh- und Video on Demand Portal
SkyrockFriends and people community providing blogs and profiles

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