| Clipart Library | This project aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used. |
| Skinz | Free skins and wallpapers for download |
| Skinbase | Collection of wallpapers and skins |
| Anime Gallery | Large collection of anime pictures sorted by series and characters |
| Anime Wallpapers | Lots of wallpapers sorted by anime`s name which you can easily set as a background picture for your computer . |
| Hassle Free Cliparts | Collection of many clip art pieces |
| Customize | Collection and Community for Wallpapers, Themes and Skins. |
| Lolcats and so on | Portal for Lolcats pictures |
| Giving notes | Collection of polite and hostile writings from shared spaces the world over |
| Open Clip Art Library | This project aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used. |
| Barry`s Clipart | Collection of many clip art pieces |
| Phantombild | Einfacher Online-Editor, mit dem man aus verschiedenen Teilbildern ein Phantombild erstellen kann. |
| Bilderkennungs-Problem | Blog-Beitrag mit einem Beispiel für eine optische Täuschung |
| 99 Designs | Online-Marktplatz für Grafikdesign |