Basis ←  Bilder 

Clipart LibraryThis project aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used.
SkinzFree skins and wallpapers for download
SkinbaseCollection of wallpapers and skins
Anime GalleryLarge collection of anime pictures sorted by series and characters
Anime WallpapersLots of wallpapers sorted by anime`s name which you can easily set as a background picture for your computer .
Hassle Free ClipartsCollection of many clip art pieces
CustomizeCollection and Community for Wallpapers, Themes and Skins.
Lolcats and so onPortal for Lolcats pictures
Giving notesCollection of polite and hostile writings from shared spaces the world over
Open Clip Art LibraryThis project aims to create an archive of user contributed clip art that can be freely used.
Barry`s ClipartCollection of many clip art pieces
PhantombildEinfacher Online-Editor, mit dem man aus verschiedenen Teilbildern ein Phantombild erstellen kann.
Bilderkennungs-ProblemBlog-Beitrag mit einem Beispiel für eine optische Täuschung
99 DesignsOnline-Marktplatz für Grafikdesign

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