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   Dieses Thema hat keine weiteren Unterkategorien.

BrettspielweltBrettspiele online spielen
FerryhalimA collection of some cute little games. Graphics are nice but loading times are a bit long
GlobzCollection of free online single and multiplayer games which are good styled and make lots of fun
Vocabulary GamesSmall online games such as wordsearch, crosswords, hangman, quiz, match game and jumble to learn vocabularies.
Janko - Spiele15 Java-Online-Spiele, z.B. Boulderdash, Arkanoid ...
ShockwaveLarge collection of short onlinegames
Crimson RoomSmall but difficult online graphic adventure based on a Flash presentation.
Daily Sudoku UKDaily new sudokus in different sizes and difficulty levels
Sudoku PDFSudoku sheets as PDF files
Flashgames kostenlos spielenHier finden sie Games aus vielen verschiedenen Genres. Onlinegames und Flashgames aus Actiongames oder Sportspielen.
Betrunken nach HauseKurzes online Geschicklichkeitsspiel
OnlinegamesSamlung von kostenlosen browserbasierten Onlinegames
SandmännchenDas Sändmännchen lädt kleine Kinder zu Spielen und Geschichten ein.
Draw a PicassoCreate your own Picasso using this tool
Sand, Oil and FireGoalless but interesting game where you can experiment with different elements falling from the sky
AddictinggamesCollection of short online games which can be played within the internet browser
Puzzle PiratesA social online world where playing fun games earn ye flashy booty
Club PenguinVirtual world which consists of the playing of different mini online games
The Dream MachineFree browserbased point and click adventure game
SamorostCute little graphical adventure game
Bunte SuppeInteraktives Mitmachmosaik, bei dem alle Spieler gleichzeitig Steinchen auf einer Fläche zu Bildern zusammenfügen können
AuditionInteractive flash game with colors and music and logical thinking
BonimoInteractive online drawing tool with innovative brushes to bring more fun into drawing.
Isle of TuneA minigame to build a small city and let cars play music related to the objects along the roads.
One and One StoryOnline Flash game
GeoguessrGuess your location after getting randomly dropped somewhere in the world in Google Streetview

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