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Werbung buchen bei pooqSlampoet - Poetry Slam Ebook bei Amazon
NASAThe National Aeronatics and Space Association here provides Information, Pictures and Videos
USGSThe U.S. Geological Survey provides information about the recent state of several aspects of the globe.
Earth PicturesCollection of movies and jpeg-Pictures showing the Earth
Hubble Space TelescopeInformations, Pictures and Videos from the Hubble Telescope
MarsA large jpeg-Picture showing Planet Mars
NSSDC PhotogalleryA Collection of Photos of Planets, Spacecrafts, Nebulae and other astronomical objects.
Scientific PhotogalleryA Collection of Photos of several scientific Aspects of the Planets and Objects in the Solar System.
SETI@HomeLet your Computer participate in the Search for extraterrestical Life. Here you get download, info and statistics.
SkyViewSkyView allows to generate images of any portion of the sky at wavelengths in all regimes from radio to gamma-rays
SunA large jpeg-Picture showing the Sun
Raumfahrer.netAktuelle Informationen zu Raumfahrt und Astronomie.
european observatoryThe European Southern Observatory is an intergovernmental, European organisation for astronomical research.
space.comNews and informations on space-related themes but also much advertisements.
AstromediaBastelbögen für Unterricht und Freizeit zu astronomischen Themen.
Astronomie.infoNachrichten und Lexikon zur Astronomie
Trip to the starsIntroduction to our solar system and the rest of space. virtual telescope.
CelestiaFree planetarium simulation for download that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions.
WorldWide TelescopeVirtual telescope software from Microsoft for free download
Nasa Visible EarthDirectory of images, visualizations and animations of the earth
Vulcano ActivityMaps the Vulcano Activity around the globe and provides general information about vulcanoes .
scinexxOnline-Magazin für Geo- und Naturwissenschaften.
WindfinderWeltweite Windvorhersage und Windmesswerte und Wellenvorhersage. Insbesondere für Wassersportler geeignet.
DWDHomepage des Deutschen Wetterdiensts mit Wetter- und Klimainformationen
WetterWeltweite aktuelle Wetterinformationen.
Nasa Visible EarthDirectory of images, visualizations and animations of the earth

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