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NvidiaHomepage of the large graphic card manufacturer where hardware and drivers are offered.
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Guru3DNews, information,forum and downloads dealing on 3D graphic cards
KanotixAuf Debian basierende Linux-Version, die besonders viel Hardware unterstützt.
AsusManufacturer of computer motherboards
XSaneFree download of a graphical scanning frontend which uses SANE-library to talk to scanners
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Die PC MausComputer Hilfe und Hotline von Die PC-Maus
Toms Hardware GuideTests, Produktvergleiche und Hintergrundinformationen über Hardware
Top500 Computerlist of the recent 500 most powerful computer systems in the world.
X86 processorstechnical information on x86 processors
rightmark.orgfree benchmarkprogramms for audio and graphik. also some other useful tools
Spec.orgnon-profit corporation formed to establish, maintain and endorse a standardized set of relevant benchmarks
CDRinfoRecent news and information on computerhardware.
ZDNetAktuelle Nachrichten und Hintergründe zu IT-Themen.
Guru3DNews, information,forum and downloads dealing on 3D graphic cards
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CasemoddingTipps und Tricks für Casemodder mit Testberichten und Forum
TestberichteSammlung von Testberichten von Technik und Computern aus über 100 Testzeitschriften
TechspotRecent tech related news and forum

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