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Werbung buchen bei pooqAlter schützt vor gar nichts! - Omageschichten - Buch bei Amazon
Printing with linuxHelp for configuration or driver problems with linux systems.
Make your own TuxSewing patterns to sew your own Tux penguin soft-toy.
Linux on ThinkPadWiki for ThinkPad users. Here you find anything you need to install your favourite Linux distribution on your ThinkPad.
Tuxmobilhelpful tips and tricks for Linux on Laptops, Notebooks, PDAs and Mobile Cell Phones
Tuxmobil.deInstallationsbeschreibungen für Linux auf Laptops , PDAs und anderen mobilen Geräten
OS TutorialsCollection of tutorials for using and administrating Computer Operating Systems like Linux, Windows, DOS, OS2 or Mac OS.
DebianDownload und Information über die Debian Linux Distribution
gnomebest windowmanager for linux
GNU / FSFDevelopment of free software operating system GNU like the GNU/Linux.
KnoppixKostenlose, von CD bootbare und ausführbare Linuxversion. Wichtiges Hilfsmittel auch für Windows-Benutzer.
linux from scratchBuild / compile your own linux distribution from scratch
Linux.orgLinux-Homepage. General Info, Applications, Distributions, Documentation, Downloads and Book Store
PartimagePartition Image is a Linux/UNIX utility which saves partitions to an image file.
SourceforgeArchive hosting for Opensource and Linux
Suse LinuxKostenloser Suse Linux Download, Updates, Patches und mehr.
The Linux Kernel ArchivesHere you get Linux kernel source and more.
KDEFree graphical desktop environment for Linux and Unix workstations.
WINEOpen Source implementation of the Windows API for Linux and Unix.
KDE Applicationsdownload applications for linux KDE
OpenSuseCommunity to create and distribute the Suse-Linux. Downloads available.
Pro LinuxNachrichten und Downloads zu aktuellen Versionen von Linuxkernels und Linuxsoftware
Gentoo Linuxa special flavor of Linux that can be automatically optimized and customized for just about any application or need.
Ubuntu Linuxa complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support.
KanotixAuf Debian basierende Linux-Version, die besonders viel Hardware unterstützt.
Fedora Linuxfree linux operating system for download

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