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Trojaner-InfoHilfe und Informationen bei Trojanischen Pferden, Computerwürmern und Computerviren.
AntiviruslabNachrichten und Informationen über Viren
AntiVirKostenloses Virenprogramm zum privaten Gebrauch, das etwa 70.000 Viren erkennt und entfernt.
McAfeeAnti-Virus-Programs and Firewalls for purchase.
Virus TotalOnline Viruscheck: Upload suspicious files to let them be checked by several recent virusscanners.
Agaxfree Apple Macintosh antivirus program
AvastAntivirus software for purchase or free download for home users for non-commercial use
KasperskyWell known developer of antivirus software
SophosSoftware and appliance solutions to protect networks from viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware and spam
BitDefenderAntivirensoftware, von der es aus eine kostenlose Version zum Download gibt.
JottiYou can upload a suspicious file and it will be immediately scanned by several virusscanners
GFISoftware developer for security and messaging software
Symantec Protection SideRecent Virus Warnings and removal tools on the page of one of the leading anti-virus research organizations.
F-Prot Virus DatabaseA Virus database which is updated several times a week. Also available in finnish and swedish.
Norton Virus-DatabaseLarge Virus Database with an estimation of danger level.
Trojaner-BoardForum, das sich mit Trojanern, Viren und Spyware und deren Bekämpfung beschäftigt.
SenderBaseReport of spam mail traffic and virus traffic.
Viruslist.comVirus and malware information portal

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